
Facilities age and deteriorate. Houses, such as the Cushman home shown here, may be damaged or destroyed by fire, accident or natural causes such as wind or lightning. Others houses, business, and facilities are neglected, and fall into disrepair without adequate maintenance. Even Cushman Homethough some of these may have historical signifance and many have sentimental value, it is sometimes necessary to demolish, rebuild or repurpose the facility.

The examples of change covered in this section, Practicality, deal with unintentional change resulting from unexpected causes or financial exigencies. Although the examples shown below could be in Changing Faces or an Evolving Campus, it seems appropriate to include theme here since the motive and goals for change are unique.


Impact of Fire, Damage, Financial Exigency and Age

Athens' Second Water TowerSecond Water TowerDisassembled after a new tower was built near high school. Photos here...
Cushman Property Becomes Athens ParkProperty Becomes ParkFire damage made it unpractical to rebuild. Photos here...
Athens High School.School ConsolidationAthens High School becomes "Athens School.". Read more...
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Morning FogNextAdditional images contributed by site visitors.
Morning FogNextAdditional images contributed by site visitors.
Morning FogNextAdditional images contributed by site visitors.
Morning FogNextAdditional images contributed by site visitors.


People respond differently to change. Whether the examples represented in this division are good, bad, or bittersweet depends on a person's perspective. In the next section opinions are expressed by site visitors are represented. Click here.

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